Below you will find news and information about services that can support you to improve your sexual health.

Cardiff C-Card Scheme


The C-Card Scheme is a free condom distribution scheme for young people aged 13–25 and co-ordinated by YMCA. It provides quick, easy and confidential access to condoms and sexual health information. The website directs you to a map of current C-Card points.

Frisky Wales

Frisky Wales

This Public Health Wales website offers information on STI’s, Contraception choices, testing and has a tool to help people assess their risk for STI’s. It also has links to posters that can be downloaded and displayed to promote good sexual health.

Department of Sexual Health

Cardiff & Vale University Health Board logo

The most recent Department of Sexual Health (DOSH) community clinic list with clinics at locations across Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan.

Pharmacies Providing Emergency Contraception