Booking Appointments

Routine Nurse and HCA appointments are now made digitally by way of submitting a request form. These forms are available on our Practice Website or on our Surgery App.

Certain appointments are available through your MyHealthOnLine account. Should not have an account you are able to register on our Website.

Should you be unable to access a digital platform you may wish to call the Surgery after 11:00am when the telephone lines are less busy, or you can call into the surgery for a paper format request.

All requests are clinically triaged to ensure you see the right healthcare professional.

If you require a Same Day Appointment for an acute condition, that you feel is not a routine appointment please call the practice at the earliest opportunity or come to the surgery and speak with the Receptionist

Our switchboard is open from 08:00am to 6:30pm, Monday to Friday.

NHS Wales App

NHS Wales App

App Store logo

Google Play Logo

Healthcare Assistant Appointment

Request an Appointment with Our HCA

Using Our Secure Forms

Practice Nurse Appointment

Request an Appointment with Our Practice Nurse

Using Our Secure Forms

Request a Sick Note

Request a New or Continuation MED3

Using Our Secure Forms

If you feel you require an Urgent Same day appointment please call the practice at 08:00am, staff will ask you some questions to deal with your request most appropriately .

If you would like to book a routine GP appointment, please contact the practice after 11:00am, where a trained care navigator will ask you some questions on behalf of the GP and add you to the triage board.

Please treat staff with Respect as they try to deal with your requests.

Emergency Or Immediate And Necessary Treatment

Our practice will provide treatment under the Emergency or Immediate and Necessary categories (Immediate and Necessary meaning ‘illness that cannot wait until the return home’), ALTHOUGH this does not mean you can then automatically register as you will only be treated as a temporary resident patient for this particular occasion.

Express Preference Of Practitioner

The patient has the right to express preference of practitioner and whilst the practice will endeavour to comply it might not always be possible. This may be due to annual leave. In any instance of unavailability of a specific practitioner, an alternative practitioner will be offered.

Home Visit Policy

We would like to encourage all patients to attend the surgery in person if at all possible. This is for a variety of reasons.

  • We are able to provide higher quality and safer care at the surgery because of access to nursing care, better equipment and the availability of your complete medical record.
  • On average your GP will be able to see FOUR patients in surgery for every one home visit performed.

A home visit will normally only occur in the following circumstances:

  1. The patient is terminally ill.
  2. The patient is bedbound.
  3. The patient is severely ill and cannot be mobilised.

Transportation Difficulties

  • The practice is not responsible for arranging transport to the surgery.
  • The GP will not visit for convenience. For example, if you need to wait for deliveries or visitors.
  • If you require friends or family to bring you to the surgery which may need some advanced planning you can phone the switchboard to arrange an appointment in advance.

Cardiff Ring & Ride Service

Ring & Ride is council-run service that provides transport for the frail and elderly who are unable to use public transport. You must be registered with them in advance of booking. They then can be booked on the day before 10:30am and we will try to accommodate you in surgery.

You can call them on 029 2049 0325.

Children & Young People

We would encourage all children to attend the surgery. It is our experience that even if they have a fever they can be safely transported to the surgery to be assessed.

Patient's Rights & Responsibilities

  • Patients do not have an automatic right to have a home visit.
  • Whilst we would endeavour to allow you to choose which GP you would like to see, this may not always be possible.


If you are confronted by a serious problem such as severe chest pain or severe bleeding call an ambulance (telephone: 999) before calling the surgery.

How to Arrange a Home Visit

If you do require a home visit then please ring to organise this before 10:30am. This will help minimise disruptions for other patients.

  • Be prepared for the Doctor to ring you back to clarify the situation further.
  • Home visits will normally take place between 1pm-3pm.
  • We have to emphasise that NO patient in need of a definite home visit will be refused.

Out-of-Hours Services

For urgent appointments outside our normal surgery hours, telephone NHSWales on 111.