We aim to make our practice website accessible to visitors of all abilities and we continually work in consultation with our web development company to ensure that the website adheres to the latest recommended standards. If you experience any accessibility or usability issues on this website, please contact us.

Web Browser Compatibility

The website has been checked for compatibility with the latest versions of the most popular web browser applications – Microsoft Edge or Internet Explorer, Mozilla FireFox, Google Chrome, Apple Safari and Opera. If you are using a different browser, we cannot ensure complete compatibility so please consult the help documentation within your browser for further information.


Our website is designed to work with text-to-speech software so that content is read out to users via audio, helping you navigate the website more easily. Some web browsers may have this feature already built in, or you can choose to download and install third-party software to provide this functionality.

One such browser programme for the user is BrowseAloud, which is available from their website.

Web Browser Accessibility Options

All modern web browser software and operating systems offer countless accessibility options for making websites easier to navigate. These options may include:

  • Switch off graphics and images to make it easier to read the text
  • Change the colour settings in your web browser to make things easier to see
  • Change the font settings in your web browser to make text easier to read
  • Change the text size in your web browser to make text easier to read

The process for changing such options will vary from system to system, so please check the documentation for your web browser software and operating system for more information.


Opening & Viewing File Attachments

Some pages on our website may include links to file attachments, which will be available in a variety of different formats. However, not all computers or mobile devices will have the appropriate software to be able to open and view such documents.

You may need to download the following readers or viewers to access different document formats on this website. These can be downloaded FREE from relevant external websites by clicking on the icons below.